Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Weekly meeting 7/30 7-9pm (by Zoom)


Take our discussion from last week, come up with a specific work plan, and assign tasks.

Here are some of the things that will likely end up on that plan:
  1. Follow up on the community rep ads we discovered last week. Are all of them from agencies in the Valley IIT?
  2. Identify Next Steps positions on police accountability issues that are likely to see action in the near future
  3. Develop written versions of those positions
  4. Draft a template letter on those issues that our members can send to their state legislators.

If you have some topics you'd like to see on our agenda/workplan, please come prepared to discuss, thx!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Meeting Thursday July 16, 7-9pm (Zoom)

This Thursday we will be meeting with the Algona PD Chief James Schrimpsher (and possibly one or more Chiefs from other departments in the Valley IIT).  The main topic of discussion will be the Community Reps on the IIT.

As we discussed 2 wks ago, this will be a bit more of a scripted meeting than usual.  
  • Annalesa will lead off with a few comments, and then ask Chief Shrimpsher to speak about his aims for meeting with us.  
  • After that, those of you who volunteered to address one of the issues we  talked about at our last meeting will be asked to speak on behalf of the group.  Brief and clear :)
    • Howard: Confidentiality Form
    • Amy: Training needs
    • Carla: Recruitment process
    •  Neal: Remaining credible with the community  

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Meeting 7/2/2020 (Zoom) 7-9pm

AGENDA:  Prepare to talk to the Chiefs in the Valley IIT about community reps at our meeting next week

1. Format of meeting with the Chiefs:  Annalesa and Fred  -- meeting will also be by Zoom.
2. Prep for the input we want to give.
  • Our concerns about the community rep position
    • Confidentiality form
    • Volunteer burdens and ability to be credible with the community
    • Training
    • Recruitment process
    • ETC -- let's discuss what else.
  • Questions we have for them
    • What is the interim position, given the Governor's task force
    • ETC -- let's discuss