Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Meeting Thursday 6/4/2020 (Zoom)

It has been an extraordinary and historic week.  We'd like to take some time at our Thursday meeting to process some of the emotions and events.  Please email if you need the Zoom link.

So, this week we will start by saying their names.  Those of you who have participated in the Not This Time meetings will be familiar with this.

BUT it turns out Zoom (and all of these virtual platforms) does not work well for the traditional call and response format, due to delays in the audio feed.

SO we will modify this as follows:
  • The meeting will begin with Annalesa reading the list of names of the loved ones who have been shot by police.  We'll start with George Floyd, to acknowledge his life, his sacrifice and his impact.    Then she will read the names of those who have been killed by police here in WA State since Jan 1 2020.
  • If you would like her also to include the name of a loved one important to you, please send us that name.
  • This will be followed by a moment of silence.
We would then like to go around the "room" to give each person a chance to share their thoughts, if they wish to.

There are many other action items in process that we can discuss as time and interests allow.

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